A Special Day In The Life Of Our Church!

We came together om a lovely morning to join our hearts and voices in lifting praise and worship to God!  After the welcome from Matt, the choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists presented a wonderful arrangement of a song I have loved for a long time, "God Leads Us Along".  The lyrics remind us that wherever our day's journey takes us, if we are His children, He leads us through both the good and the hard times.  The congregation sang a few more songs,then, as he mentioned last week, Pastor Wes took us to Revelation 21 to tell us how John tried to describe as best he could, the beauty that awaits us in Heaven.  I urge you to listen to the Live-stream to hear what Pastor Wes had to say about it----and he says there is more to hear next week.  The morning service was a wonderful way to start our day, but the blessings didn't stop there.  This evening we came together to ordain three new deacons and to install one deacon who had previously been ordained.  Pastor Wes spoke to us about what it meant to take on the responsibility of being a deacon----that it was a position of service in the church body.  The men and their wives were prayed over by other ordained men who laid hands on them as they prayed.  The rest of us prayed from where we sat, as Susan played beautiful worshipful music.  It was a moving experience......

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