Back along the road

It’s always so easy for us to get to the Community Hospital in Haddington, as it’s just 15 minutes down the road and we never have a problem parking. Actually, we were there 30 minutes early, Martin then got taken early for his X-ray and we were out before his appointment time. 

So different from our usually chaotic experiences at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) where it takes you ages to get there on the bypass (woe betide if you are in an ambulance as an emergency), you can’t get parked, and the wait times are pretty long sometimes. That said, the staff are always brilliant and are doing their best in very difficult situations. 

I know we need to centralise some services, but frankly, in our experience, there are great benefits to smaller more localised services. 

Anyway, as I always say, we are so lucky to have the NHS. 

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