
Another one from our visit to Lytham yesterday. Back in 1941, in common with many other towns and villages, the residents of Lytham St Annes raised money in order to “buy” a Spitfire. This plane was named after the town and entered service with 19 Squadron in April 1942. Sadly, the plane was shot down only a couple of months later, with the loss of its pilot.
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, it was proposed that a replica of the Lytham Spitfire be built, to act as a memorial to all those who served in RAF Fighter, Bomber and Coastal Commands.
Once again, funds were raised from the general public and this replica was lifted on to its plinth in 2012, with the formal opening taking place in June 2013. Not only does the replica bear the name of the town, but also that of the pilot who was lost when it was shot down in 1942.
It certainly is an impressive sight, and sits at the edge of Fairhaven Lake, which is also a RSPB location, so there are plenty of wildfowl to see as well. When we get some warmer weather, we intend to go back to Lytham and explore further. At the very least, I’d like to follow the path that runs right around the lake and find out what else there is to see in the area.

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