'Can Moreta'

'Can' meaning 'House of' in Ibicenc. 'Moreta' is the name of the local family who've owned this bar for several generations. It's very much our local - was also mine and Nate's first outing post birth! It's where we have Caña Club each Tuesday night. Danny teaches, or has taught, half the staff English, does their menu translations etc etc... It's a good home from home. I liked 'Moreta' in the shadows on the bar. Asha and  were there to do  some homework/work.
As I was walking out of the flat this morning, bag on shoulder, I realised I was meant to be in a Zoom meeting in 3 minutes time!! Thankfully made it and I'm so glad I did as it was a particularly good one! It's a cross section of community leaders across 24-7 Prayer, getting to know each other better and learning from each other. 
So my morning looked very different from how I'd imagined!
Nate got up his courage and his first football taster session was a success. He seemed to really enjoy it, plus there was a bit of a party afterwards as it was one of the trainer's birthdays. Not sure how we'll make all the various activities work, but this seems important to make a priority. 
All back home and it's raining outside - the island very much needs it. So no complaints here.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Remembering about the meeting in time. Not sure how I forgot - it was in my diary!
2) Some brilliant teaching from Pete G.
3) Nate rising to the challenge. 

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