Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


… Of something I might paint properly.
(I must get out more. Enough of this stupor. Spring is coming).

I’ve made the most of a quiet day today, tomorrow is a work day (and there’s a big washing basket of ironing to do too).

Mondays can often be overwhelming with the Elderlies. One of them was very fed up today. (Totally understandable. I do get it. It can be hard sometimes to steer a middle path between not being too jolly (which is very irritating for them) and not allowing oneself to be dragged into the quagmire of ‘isn’t it AWful?’.
‘It’ being anything from the weather (any kind, we don’t discriminate; rain, frost, sun, wind or even mild, because then you see the germs are just not being destroyed. All temperatures incur wrath!) to squirrels digging in the garden!

Bless them all. (And the squirrels).

Painting is balm!
I am of good cheer.

But, the outside world is probably calling :-)

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