Birthday cards and presents

Had a quiet day really, went shopping while Paula took Tanzy, then back home I washed my bedding and later re-made the bed. In between watched lunchtime Bargain Hunt and then the news which I fell asleep during, always do. made my list for Tesco tomorrow, and read my book.

 I found a new authoress  Julia Chapman Dales Detective series. You can find her on Fantastic Fiction. and get the order they are in. I got them through the library on borrow box but you can get the paperback ones. The first book is A Date with Death I read it and was hooked, I'm on book 4 now.

last night I was watching the last part of the Rescue of the boys from the underground caves, it was amazing and those divers deserve a medal for the way they executed the rescue, it used real footage and was very emotional.

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