
Was checking today's MM challenge ("Textures" - thanks Laurie), just as we walked over this lovely stone mosaic in The Square, the centre of town. Can't beat the textures of this artwork.

9C with a feel-like of 2-3C. Nice in the sun. Walked to town for coffee at Blend on the Hill. Then to the Nici.

Then back to continue sorting filing.

"Neptune in Maggy Howarth's mosaic, the Square, Bournemouth, Dorset
This huge pebble mosaic designed by Maggy Howarth spills out across the pavement of The Square, Bournemouth. It has an appropriate seaside theme. Amongst the waves and whirlpools are Neptune and a mermaid, starfish, an octopus, a seahorse, crabs and dozens of fishes" (courtesy of flickr)

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