Problems with proofers

Strange day, not really helped by some shoddy work from a proofer.

Because I am not a native French speaker, I send everything off to proofreaders in France – just to make sure the translation in accurate and I “sound” like a French person. But one look at what I got back and I had to stop doing what I was doing and correct the mistakes… pretty appalling when you are more up-to-date with French grammar than your native language proofreader. Probably just carelessness – and being just as bored with the translation as I am. So, I sent it back with a tetchy note.

Took myself off to the post office for a treat. And they say I don’t know how to live.

15:10 – appointment with the vet for Charlie. All is well. Makes me sad to see how small she tried to make herself.

17:00 – Shoppers Drug Mart with Ottawacker Jr for our flu shots. When we got back, our neighbour A was fixing our door. Invited her and L in for drinks – but only on the condition she finished.

Dinner and The Durrells, Ottawacker Jr.’s favourite show at the moment.

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