My latest purchase

I spotted this dish in the window of Brainwave, our local charity shop, last week when I dropped off a few things, did'nt purchase it then but thought about it again a little later, it was still in the window when I went back so blew £3.50, & thoroughly chuffed. The pattern is raised, the glaze brown & cream. It's signed Renate.

Gale force winds overnight, still strong this morning, & chilly, but dry. I'm not complaining. The laundry was whizzing around on the whirly gig. I walked Indie, had a quick coffee with Mum then drove over to Jack's Patch to meet Sandy for a coffee. The coffee shop was very busy. Thought I recognised someone just as they were leaving, had to check, as I walked towards her she recognised me.  The last time we met was at a school reunion 37 years ago... We had a quick chat, as her hubby was waiting for her, but learnt that other friends from our year had passed away in recent years. Helen actually recognised Sandy from her workplace at Occombe, where Helen is a regular visitor. Could we arrange another school reunion. Who knows, I might contact the local newspaper as they featured our last reunion so would hopefully have the group photo in their archive.
I made a couple of purchases, a super duper 'Turbo folding saw, perfect for coppicing Hazel bean sticks, well I hope so. I' ll give it a trial run tomorrow, as I've already spotted some on my heath walkabouts, & a pretty Cyclamen coum with tiny flowers.
Running late so Mum made herself a snack for lunch. I drove down and made her dinner after dropping hubby at the pub late afternoon. Usual checks, tv needed retuning, electric blanket had been switched off. It's on a timer, but Mum does'nt understand. Fed Indie.
A hearty vegetable soup with chunks of very tasty granary bread for our meatless Monday dinner.
Thanks to laurie54 for hosting.

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