Snowdrop Carpet

We were all rather weary this morning after our late night.  I went out for a very short walk, then for a run/  It was a very still morning.  It was chilly, but overall it was good running weather.  Unlike Friday, I really enjoyed my run and could have gone further.  My route was just over four miles, so good to feel I could probably have run five miles.  Once back home, I made pancakes for BB.  He has been asking me to make them for weeks, but I just never seem to have had the time, or when I have had the time, he hasn’t been here.  Anyway, a lovely batch of pancakes were made, which quickly disappeared.
TT made us some lunch, while I was dealing with a few chores.
After lunch TT and I went over to East Linton and went for a walk at Smeaton.  We walked around the lake, admired the snowdrops and explored the new path that must have been created quite recently.  We headed home via the supermarket.  It was a joint effort for tea.  I was in charge of the chicke, and veg, while TT was in charge of the roast potatoes.  It was all delicious – even if I do say so myself.
Later we Facetimed TT’s mum, I finished watching The Crown, and there was school uniform to be ironed. 
The Snowdrops at Smeaton are still lovely, but would probably have been better last week, and on a sunnier/brighter day.  We also spotted primroses (extra), which we were not expecting.  They were mostly rather inaccessible, so tricky to get a decent picture.

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