3347. My weapons of choice……
Well sort of…..I have only used the Rolleiflex once as I have no idea how to use it and the Zeiss Contessa has a film in it but also has a crack on the lens which I didn’t notice before I bought film for it!
I used the really simple Agfa film camera whilst away on Lanzarote, having had a disaster trying to rewind the first film, which resulted in it being lost, but won’t use it again as the results were pretty mediocre to be honest.
I love my wee Sony which is a great all rounder but has a fairly restricted zoom capability. The Panasonic LUMIX is a wonderful camera and has an amazing zoom on it, but it’s heavier than I’d like but not too bad, I will be taking this with me on my trip to Australia and New Zealand later in the year.
Of course I took this photo with the camera I use the most…my iPhone..which in fairness has a half way decent camera….
Not doing much today, did a bit of food shopping first thing, came home and made some soup, Broccoli and Cheese, one of my favourites…and making Greek Gyros for lunch!
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