First Day at University...

Huge day today...

Ruben had his first Uni classes today and even won their first quiz on the pre work they had to do before today's classes, he got 10 out of 10...

Grandson Preston celebrated his 9th birthday... If anyone loves numbers my son Ash is 36, my son Ruben is 18 and grandson Preston is 9...

I had to buy a new phone today, my Samsung Galaxy S9+ is over 51/2 years old and it's been playing up for a few months and is now over heating... I couldn't afford to stay in the top of the range S series so I've dropped back to the A series and got a A54... I thought I'd better do this post using my old phone before changing everything over and something goes wrong...

Oh and a bought a remote controlled Monster Truck today and it's battery is charging... Picture tomorrow...

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