
at Dinton Pastures from past weeks of rain....

Also today - Devastated beyond devastation for me - I didn't get the job :(:(:(  Unbelievably upset as I really thought I did well 

(they didn't say anything other than - I was a joy to meet, and the had to make a very hard decision (bully for them :( )

Had to get out of the house even for a short while, especially as the neighbour over the back had a bonfire going (not sure they're even allowed anymore???)

Anyway, I tried to go to the usual lake, but the road was closed due to flooding (and unlike others who ignored the closure, I chose not to.  I was going to go around the long way, but on the way I passed the entrance to the old museum of aviation.  At the moment its free to park in there, but this year the council intend to charge there too, so I've made the most of it.....

For those who are interested - took this from the notice board :

An ancient forest, a farm and gravel extraction create a Country Park
Originally the site was part of the Great Forest of Windsor where Deer and wild boar were hunted.  By the 1600s the area attracted many Royal Courters who set up home close to the King and centre of power at Windsor Castle.  High Chimneys was one of the large houses built in Hurst during the late 1500s.
In 1904 High Chimneys farmhouse was built (it is now cafe/office building) and in 1924 the property's name was changed to Dinton Pastures Farm when it was sold to a farmer who came from Dinton, near Aylesbury.
Between 1965 and 1976 gravel extraction took place from this site to build the A329 (M) and part of the M4 from Holyport to Theale.  For every kilometre of motorway constructed 10,000 tons of gravel were needed!
In 1978 the site was claimed by Wokingham District Council to be opened in 1979 as Dinton Pastures Country Park.

Couldn't get to the lake at all due to the immense flooding here (see extras):
1,the gate is the entry to the meadow, and as you can see - can't even get there!

I also had the merlin app running as I walked.  I've not had quite so many different birds before - 

Blue Tit
Great Tit
Great spotted woodpecker

Oh well, on with the job applications :(

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