SOMETIMES I GET THE URGE... get out my other cameras and take some shots and today I had that urge.

However, prior to that I had cooked off some minced beef and put that in my slow cooker, together with lots of chopped tomatoes, passata and liberally sprinkled it with oregano that my dear friend, Maria, had given to me when I visited for her birthday at the end of January.  It smelled beautiful and was grown by her in her garden and harvested and dried by her, and she is 95 years old so there’s hope for me yet!  It smells wonderful in the kitchen and I know I will have at least six meals - one for tonight and five to go in the freezer. 

Then I made some broccoli, cauliflower and blue cheese soup, which turned out very well - so we had some for our lunch.  I forgot that I also did a load of washing, cleaned up in the kitchen and did some admin - quite the Domestic Goddess today!  

When I went out into the garden just after midday, Mr. HCB was sitting on his little stool and weeding one of the raised beds - but silly me, I didn’t think of getting a shot of that!  I was making for the plum blossom that is hanging over our wall and this is the result with my Canon camera, and I’m very pleased with it.  Just needed a little fartnarkling afterwards and some input from Mr. HCB as to whether this was better than certain others.  It was a hard choice but this one won “by a whisker” or should that be “by a stamen”?

So this is my entry for the TT challenge and for once, I am on theme!  Spring is definitely in the air in our part of the world and the sun has even come out now, so Mr. HCB has gone back out into the garden to do some more work.

With thanks to ApolloFly and Nicoiseannie for this month’s themes. 

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