Shaggy Poodle

Nearly time for a
groom.  Necessary.  Horror.
Found a Tick today.

One of those days.  Busy and tiring.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku was up and off to the airport at 3am, which inevitably woke Ben up.  He refused to try and sleep and ended up with his iPad.  He did finally doze around 5am but it does get under my skin that he won't just try to sleep!  I know it's just how he's wired but sleep is so important.. to all of us!  I dozed a bit too and then it was a normal morning.  Took Ben to school, gave the dog a quick walk and then I had my big social care meeting for Ben, it was useful but not earth shatteringly so.  The other professionals were shocked we’d been let down with the respite place, there was a lot of cross examination, shared pretty equally between me, the NHS and social care, so I feel respite are being held to account and I feel like I have support.  I was just finishing my lunch when Leo came up to me, dolefully looking at my crumbs and I saw a big fat tick in between his eyes :-(  It must have been from the fields yesterday.  Shudder.  I removed it with all its appendages in tact, so hopefully that will be the end of it.  I then took Leo for a big but pavement-y walk, to avoid little critters and fetched Ben from school.  I'm running out of time now as I'm bedtime monitor for the foreseeable, so I'll leave it there.  Photo was from before the tick was spotted, I wondered if I might be able to see it here but I can't.  I'm actually grateful for that, it would certainly have spoiled a nice photo :-D

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