Abandoned tulips

Back to Edinburgh today, but sadly not with the excellent tulips which stem from last Monday's book group. They have been going strong, but I couldn't transport them back here. That would have been too complicated.

I took a day off, but then broke it twice. First, because I did a Teams meeting this morning about an interesting new project which I said yes to. I hope I don't regret that. And second, because I did lots of emails this afternoon and evening, in order to catch up again. I don't like having loads of unanswered or unfiled emails in my inbox.

It was a slow old drive home. A lot of heavy traffic, plus a contra flow on the Cromarty Bridge and single lane running up the hill out of Inverness (where I was following a slow lorry). Hey ho. We adopt the view that the A9 is what it is. 20 extra minutes out of your life? It's not so serious.

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