A Chilly Pensthorpe

I drove over to Pensthorpe this morning to meet G for a walk, unfortunately I got a text when I arrived to say that her car wouldn't start - a shame but these things happen. So instead I went round the main area photographing the birds - a lot of whom seemed to be setting out their territory or displaying. My main is of the flamingos as usual, and I've added an extra collage of six other photos, including of a robin angrily challenging another robin. I also saw a yellowhammer, but didn't get a good photo. 

This afternoon, as well as editing my photos, I had a tidy of a couple of kitchen cabinets and had another conversation with Corgi Home Plan. My toilet now refuses to flush at all, so I raised a claim. It turns out I was told the incorrect info last time, if an engineer comes out and the intermittent fault isn't evident and they don't do anything, then I can call again about the same issue and don't have to pay the £60 excess again. Then later in the conversation this was revised to 'if it is within 30 days'. Then there was a conversation as to whether a non-flushing toilet is covered under their 'taps and toilets' cover, the advisor saying he 'thought' it was. Not impressed at all, so I sent off another complaint (no reply yet to the one sent last Wed). 

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