Newlyn Harbour (cont)

Having established the desperate need for a new pier at Newlyn, and having at last received assent from Parliament for the building of it, there was the issue of funding. Capital was raised in different ways - those with a strong commercial interest in the port contributed, for example by agreeing a small tax on fish landed. Some fishermen contributed by building and selling model boats, a choir was formed and gave concerts. Some money was borrowed, but eventually they had enough to start work. 

There was great rejoicing when the foundation stone for the south pier was laid and most of the work was completed in 1886. It was built on a line of rocks and was made of concrete faced with granite. It was 707 ft long. By December 1886 the only thing left was the arrival of the iron lighthouse which was built at the point of the pier. 

I took my photo from the North Pier, the building of which was by this time already underway. You can see the long South Pier ahead with the lighthouse at the end. When it was finished it provided shelter for many vessels and contributed much to the development of Newlyn as a major port. 

Extra - Proper Good Food

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