Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Start of the Walk

Last year, I did two sections of the Severn Way, from Bridgnorth to Bewdley, and also from Ironbridge to Shrewsbury.  Today I was joined by R and we filled in the gap from Ironbridge to Bridgnorth.

The river was running fast and high, but we were on the old railway track that runs between the two locations and had great conditions underfoot for the majority of the walk.  It was a really fast 10 miles, but it meant that we had to hang around for over an hour for the bus back to the start.  The current offer of £2 per trip is great value and we put up with the rattles and vibration which only got worse as the vehicle stopped to take on or drop off the passengers.

I seem to be struggling with tight achilles tendons, the right one was protesting during the walk and both of them are sore tonight.  I'm not quite sure why when you consider how used I am to walking long distances.

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