
We had yet another free day. Our forecast said it would rain most of the day so we made no outside plans. It was gray and overcast and the rain clouds looked ready to open at any moment. It didn’t start raining until 4:30 pm, how disappointing. Hubby finished connecting devices to the upstairs tv. It can be used to watch classics we have kept on VCR and DVDs. We sorted through the movies and have honed down our inventory to a manageable size. I made the grocery lists for the next trip. Hubby will be driving separately since he has a Knights’ event five days after we leave. He will bring groceries needed after Sunday. We have three mounds of Heather in our gardens. This one is by the front door and quite sizable. Thankfully our walkway is wide because it has spread over 1/3rd of it. Hubby is getting calzones for dinner. Our leisure will extend until bedtime. Sending wishes for your own quiet down time. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “Magnificent varieties with different colors of flowers and leaves, skillfully combined with conifers and grasses, make the heather the most beautiful part of the garden (in winter).” (Maya Alexandrova)

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