
Slept really well last night after a good talk with our friends who have had three knee replacements between.

Watched John do Pilates on the floor.

Took an hour to shower and dress but felt a lot more human.

Sat on the porch in the sun and ate lunch.

A bit of a scrum at the front door as John was backing the car out of the garage, Spike and I were standing at the door and my brother called. We finally got ourselves sorted out…Spike in the house, John standing by as I made my way down the stairs and into the car, my brother waiting for me to call him back.

Physical therapy was just as I remembered it…same place, same cast of characters as when I went to them with a sore hip two years ago. Came out with some new exercises and a plan for the next 6 weeks.
John came in with me and he won’t have to do that again but he will have to drive me there.

The rats are back. One is determinedly trying to make its way through the grate in the living room. The rat patrol is coming tomorrow and John will walk around the perimeter with them to try and figure out where they are getting in. (The rats, not the patrol).

Despite that, it’s been a good day. We’re getting things figured out and as I feel stronger I am also realizing that my mind is getting less muddled. One sign of that is the fact that I thought I was pretty clear headed, but now I’m pretty sure that wasn’t true….

My offering for Tiny Tuesday is a little bonsai that Peter gave me for Christmas.

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