Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Busy Bee

In order to escape the gardeners today and actually see some sunshine as can't get in garden, I took Krystal to our favourite park (Johnstone Gardens) as we've not been since the weather heated up and I love it there once the flowers appear.

We spent ages playing and looking at flowers discussing them, obviously stopping for a play in the swings! I got a few nice shots, but this bee won for me today. He was so busy collecting in this one flower I got ages to snap away! This was the other contender.

As Kory was away on his first school trip, we went out for lunch too. It was nice being just the 2 of us - she's not had that very often!

And lastly - today is a good day as I've discovered that Woolies is back in business from yesterday, online only, but who cares!? YAY!!

Edit: This is my 2nd pink blip in a few days that someone has commented on it being pink. I *am* the pink princess after all ;) Maybe I should do all pink blips? No way, too hard!

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