RSC on a dreich day (widwed280224)

Not really a day for outdoor photography,  so this was the best I could come up with this morning.  The older part of the RSC is wide, and the tower high, to fit with the wide Wednesday theme.
The sky was a uniform gray so I have let PS's sky replacement do its thing.
Thanks to Andrew NZ for hosting.
Much better seen in large.

Just for interest:  On a photo zoom call I take part in on a Wednesday we discussed one of my earlier blips, of a mono tulip.
There was a suggestion of a closer crop so I've reprocessed the original and put both the updated cropped version and the original as extras on this blip - feel free to let me know what you think.

We had a short notice trip to the opticians for Gill to have an eye test.  Nothing to do with her prescription,  she's had some vision disturbances recently and our GP/Stoke Unit/Eye casualty people all thought it unlikely there was anything seriously amiss, but advised an eye test just to be sure.  She did have a minor retinal bleed a few years back but the retinal photos today showed nothing had changed so panic over. 
Most likely just a side effect of the heart rate drugs.

We have a thank-you gift to assemble for the surgery as they have been really good with Gill's treatment over the past ~10 months.
Just hope we are near the end of the worried telephone calls!

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