Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Drip Drip Drop

Work has kept me going today, functioning not to my full ability but it has helped.

Tonight I have collapsed in a heap.

Feeling detached.
Numb but in tears a lot.
No energy.
Cant' eat; it's been a few days since I have actually eaten properly.
Can't sleep but always tired.
Can't make decisions, have now been lying on sofa staring at nothing for over an hour deciding whether to have a bath or shower.
Went to bed fully dressed last night purely because I had no energy/motivation.

After 20mins this morning redialling I eventually got an appointment for the GP. I have been given a few interactive websites to look at with a phone counsellor option and another website to look at counsellors in Edinburgh.
Have been given anti depressants to take.

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