Foggy greyness continue

Shot from our evening walk...

So much has been happening that I don't know where to begin...

1) Asta and the fighter dog incident
Asta called today. Got a letter from the police. They have to mediate by themselves. Just the woman who owns the attacking dog and Asta. If they can't come to an understanding, then they'll meet with a professional mediator and that person will "dictate" how it will go. 

I'm very disappointed with that. Not everyone is capable of defending themselves. I would not be. I'd need someone to support me and my rights.

2) The renovation company came. They were here for 2 hours and the job was done. After that I started to paint. The darkness came before I could see the result. I might have to paint one section with third layer. Other than that, it looks good. And was QUICK!

When they visited me on Monday and I asked if they could give me 30 minutes beforehand notification that they are coming, they said no. I replied that a text would have been okay too, but didn't push it. Just left it. Today they did text me about an hour before they came.

There was a lot to vacuum and I needed to wash the floors from the areas they were working on and walking, but I was glad to do it as it meant that this part was now over.

Next part is reporting everything to the insurance company.

3) Started with the new customer A yesterday. She was a night mare. I actually had nightmare about her last night. The situation is under trial period with her, and I hope it will be better with her tomorrow. One of the problems with her is that when I ask her a question, she doesn't answer. I can't read her mind,  so I don't know what to do. The whole 5 hours she complained about the previous help and actually about everything else too. I told her that we don't have any training for this. Just out wits. She thinks we're cooks and housekeepers and everything. She made me do a salmon soup without any instruction or recipe. I tried to ask her for advice, but got no answers that helps. She just starts babbling about something in relation to the subject, but it could be just how the previous help didn't let her taste the food while making it. Well I didn't either. Just forgot she had complained about that too. And she didn't ask.

I tried to tell her that it's not easy at first when you don't know anything about anything. That it takes some time at first, but I don't know if she understood. She just complained. Also se said some bit nasty sexual comments. Not towards me, but about other people and those made me uncomfortable. It was just so uncivilized and weird. I'm not used to that kind of behavior . So this could be a short term thing or things will get better. 

4) Saw the physiotherapist. Got some new movement instructions. "A warm hand from the mailbox"- kind of visit. It feels like a waste of time. I will try  the instructions, but I still feel that as my foot hurts even when I'm taking painkillers, something else should be done too.

5) I got accepted to be a Mystery Shopper! They don't pay that much, but I'm willing to try. My first gig is car shopping. I started today with the preliminary contact. Funny thing that we just exchanged our Jeep to Seat Leon two weeks ago. It's been the hardest thing we've done in a while. We tried that a year ago and could not come to an agreement. So now I'm driving with my husband's old Ibiza as the Jeep I was driving went with the exchange. (it was better to give out bigger car for another bigger car, and as I wished for smaller car, I got the Ibiza.) And the idea is that at some point we'll exchange the Ibiza to something I'll like better and with fewer kilometers.

So now I get to do some preliminary investigating about something that I really need to think about, and I get paid a little while doing it. Sometimes life is funny.

So much has been happening that I can't keep up. I feel like my head is just loaded with information and stuff I need to do or take care of. I really need a day off. So tomorrow I have A and when I get home I'll straight on continue with L with his homework and then it's 3 days off. Except for the mystery shopping part....

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