A ruined view

Tourists often like to photograph this view from Belford Road down the steps to Dean Village. Currently the scaffolding makes it a less appealing picture - unless you are a blipper of course ;-)

Normal Wednesday service was resumed here today. I exercised this morning. Now that Bruce has finished his review of the text that I completed before my holiday, I had hoped to work on draft V2 of my journal article this afternoon. However, a zillion other small tasks prevented this. 

The main events of the day were the uplift of our old dark green sofa by the Bethany Christian Trust (for it to go to a recently housed former homeless person/family) and the collection of a couple of very sturdy occasional tables from my (gym) friend Karen. The sofa had to go to make room for Mummy hazelh's new chair. Karen gave me the tables (which she was ''storing' in her yarden) so that we can use one in place of the rather wobbly construction pictured in yesterday's blip

On the way back from the gym I called into the new St Colomba's Hospice shop in Stockbridge. It's rather posh.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aqufit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training; walking (14,511 steps).

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