Salford Quays

I was thankful to survive the night. A whole new life experience, those travelodges on the motorway. When I realised there was no lock on my room door, I weighed up walking the three miles back to reception and decided to just ignore it and go to sleep. After not getting murdered, I was up and out and back on the road by 6:30.

After more boring driving, arrived and had a great day of being told people’s names and remembering absolutely none of them. Everyone is v nice and friendly though and seemingly happy in their work - is wonderfully refreshing! Left at five as I have a completely empty inbox and nothing to do until I start it. Stupidly stupidly stupidly left my new laptop in the office with my hotel booking confirmation. This last 24 hours has all been about the hotels. The Holiday Inn told me that had no idea who I was and I was probably booked into the other one. So I drove to the other one, they didn’t know me either. Rang my new boss who had made the booking, no answer. Rang two more holiday inns, no luck. Rang 1st one again - were they sure they didn’t have a booking for me? Absolutely not, said they. By this time my new boss had finished at the gym and called me. Yes, it was the very first hotel and he sent me the confirmation. Back to them for the third time of asking. Still no. I showed them the booking number. Ohhhhh they said, there you are. What a palava!!

Anyway all done. I had bao and salt and pepper chips for tea- very very fine they were. And now I’m completely plum tuckered.

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