
It's saying something when frogs are so fed up with the rain that they try to get into houses. I found this one on the threshold a few seconds after opening the door to go out with Django this evening: the second of two walks I'd given him in the wet. 

At work I had a rare frustrating day's programming: I was banging my head against some odd behaviour, wasting time because I'd made the wrong assumption regarding its cause. Every time I tried something, it took about 15 minutes to test, so I decided to use the time to sort out my emails. After almost deleting a folder full of important ones, I then managed to fill my deleted folder with "empty" folders that I couldn't delete! My afternoon was also interrupted by nipping down to Mum's flat to meet the estate agent who will be selling it.

More positively, daughter L reached Machu Picchu today, and the thick mist that she found on arrival cleared enough for her to see the site in sunshine. I've added an extra that's too nice not to share.

I began my second walk with Django at half time in the poor Forest Vs United game, and wasted half an hour of my life by watching the second half action after pausing the live stream. I should have just watched the last couple of minutes.

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