Swan Lake

We went with Helen to watch the twins’ swimming lesson at 9am. It was less than successful with Ayman in particular turning on a major tantrum. Apparently they usually enjoy it so don’t know what happened today but they finally managed 15 of the 30 minutes in the water.
Later Mr isbi and I took Ella to her ballet lesson which she loves. She is in “Penguin Ballet”, which I guess is one up on the 2-3 year old class of “Duckling Dance”.
While that was on we had morning tea with Ayman in a nearby cafe (extra). He was a perfect angel. I think they just turn it on for the poor parents.
Having been married on 29th February it’s Helen and Omar’s first real wedding anniversary so we held the fort while they went for a beach picnic. A good day for it with temps in the high 30s.
They are coming to the mountains at the weekend for a more formal celebration.

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