
This was my view coming back to the village along the coastal road. The short road to the town had already been closed because of the flames and this coastal road was closed later.
What an afternoon and night we had. The car was packed in case we needed to evacuate, which we fortunately didn't. The strong Easterly wind blew the flames behind our houses but the houses on the other side of the village received the full brunt of the flames. Many houses had narrow escapes as the fire was right up to their boundary walls. The fire fighters were amazing and helped to avoid any tragedies. The smoke at times was so thick one could hardly see. Huge area of bush have been burnt - I always feel sad for the animals that have perished. One little buck has taken refuge in the garden of one of the houses
It's amazing how, in an emergency situation, the adrenalin kicks in - I was flying around the garden hosing down the perimeter hedges and bushes, filling buckets and any other containers with water, packing the car, running the irrigation for more protection, seeing to hubby and the dogs. No wonder I felt exhausted later!
The extras are the bush near our house, and a view from our back garden.

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