Cup Cake

I was straining for inspiration for a blip with the thoughts of Abstract Thursday when one of Mrs W’s cup cakes came to mind.  Ok, it came to hand first.
I thought that it would make a good start for a bit if faffing, but when push came to shove I could not find a filter or effect that I liked better than the original, so here it is.  I reckon it just about fits the theme of ‘shapes’.
A day doing ‘O ring’  seals on the kitchen taps.  The drinking water tap was a doddle so I thought I would do the mixer as well.  Oh dear.  I just did not have a replacement the correct size as the manufacturers had used their own spec.  Then with all the twisting and shoving the tap came loose and I had to empty the under sink cupboard in order to tighten up the fitting again – big humph!
Any way I managed a bodge and have ordered the genuine replacement parts - £2.65 parts, £4.50 postage . . .
Now to finish that cupcake and think about dinner.
Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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