red squirrel tales

By mmac

Picnic at ready

The lunches for the first Orwell summer outing. We've always gone as a building on our summer outing. This year we have to try individual workshop ones which means we can go to more diverse places. I want to go on them all. The canteen are heading to the zoo tomorrow and another crew headed to Jupiter artland.
North Berwick beckons for us. On the 4th of July. I'm trying to gee up an Americans independence theme. The stars and stripes bunting will be hauled out for the van.
Other wise today a productive meeting with E from the Botanics. Our show there next Feb. It's feeling real now. And exciting. good to start to lay out all the stuff and start visualising. A lot of work ahead.
A cycle down the allotment after work to suffer a pollen induced hayfever attack. How can a face produce so much fluid in such a short time. My eyes swole up until I couldn't see, I caved in after 20minutes and wheezed my way home.

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