Flumlet Day

Poor Mr Flum has put his back out and took it to the Doctor. However, this coincided with the time we look after the Flumlet.

So we all went and the Flumlet and I had time on our own. First we went to the pharmacy to collect my medication, which had been delayed by a hiccup in the system. Then we went across to the charity shop to browse and he came out with a trio of penguins (one would have done but they were sold together). After that we wandered round the Grange cemetery, where I showed him the map of Notable Burials (important people) and the unique memorials (for example, John Bartholomew, the map maker). Main photo is standing at the top of the catacombs,  overlooking the array of memorials ( I have to say he was less interested in this part of the afternoon)... . Then it was back to the car to await Mr Flum's return and head off to his home.

On the way the rain began, heavily, while the sun beat down and we had good views of a rainbow and secondary rainbow - extra photo shows how the bow is so close to us that it obscures the background. Sadly, there was no evidence of a crock of gold.

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