Sad news

A rough night as Fletch needed to go out 3 times last night. Note to M.. dont feed him any spicy beef. I  also making sure I dont over feed him  his fancy treats 

Sad to see the news that Dave Myers has died. A bit of a shock as it seemed that he was recovering from the cancer that killed him. Well known as a Hairy Biker on tv but he was my brothers friend from school and they remained friends.
 I remember him  coming to our flat when hed just got a job doing special effect make up for the BBC. 
He was as his tv image,  a genuinely  nice person and unpretentious 
Years back we visited his house and watched a video (!) of a pilot programme hed made with Si . The title was the Hairy Bikers We watched it and gave it the thumbs up... the rest is history.
 He was my nieces Uncle, she died of cancer last year.
 It is such a cruel disease

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