
We went to Newcastle this morning, it has one of my favourite shops, The Wool Shop! I've been getting on with my latest project, and Aran sweater for K's 5th birthday. I've been getting worried about the wool I had left and was doubting that I had enough to finish the sweater, so off we went to get another ball. They're huge balls, 400 gms, and there were none!!! Panic!!!! The lovely lady in the shop suggested I try to order direct from Sirdar via their website - success!! It should be delivered within the next 3 days. I know that the dye lot will be different, but I'll do a complete sleeve in the new wool and that should be ok. I did buy more wool, that shop is an Alladin's cave of temptation!!! 
We had our usual walk along the promenade in Newcastle, this sculpture was commissioned in 2005 and it looks great. It looks particularly good on a sunny day like today. 

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