Chicken licken...
I love having my little light studio set up on the dining room table. I can stick silly things in it, take a photo, faff it up and blip done. Over the weekend I hope to take it a bit more seriously and photograph some nature subjects.
I've been a little more productive today but I would bore you stiff if I listed my chores achievements :-) I conked out after dinner but only for a little while, so I feel that's an improvement too.
Can't believe it's the last day of February already. I may be the only one, but I feel this has been a really short winter. It seems it was October one minute and now it's March tomorrow. Clocks go forward in 4 weeks :-)))
Spoke with our Skye friends last night. They normally come down and stay with us during the Easter holidays. Given what's been happening with me we've all agreed to postpone their visit until the school summer hols. The girls will be so disappointed but the upside is they will be here on their birthday (Anna and Faith share the same birthday 4 years apart :-) so we can have a party :-))
If any of you single ladies asked your fellas to marry you today, I hope they said yes :-)))
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