Just about a year ago Sam & Jess lost a friend of their own age....
At the time it was quite traumatic....for Sam in particular, as it happened about 6 months after my nan died (Sam's great nanna) and they had quite a bond. Ever since Sam was old enough to carry a bag of groceries he would come with me to take her shopping....nan would buy him trifle and then cook him sausages & egg....nan was definitely a Sam fan.
Sarah and I looked after nan for the last 8 months of her life, first in our home, then in a care home....and when she left us, it hit Sam the hardest. We organised the funeral and went together as was a very emotional day, all the kids felt the emotion, Sam was very brave.
Nan dying was the kids first real experience of loss and so when Cain passed away so soon after, it was all a bit too raw for Sam. Even more so when the funeral was on Sam's 12th birthday.
I know most of Sam & Jess' friends went to the funeral but Sarah and I decided it wasn't a good idea for his birthday to be the focus of such sadness. I'm not sure he understood at the time but I hope he does now....
Today the kids who were friends of Cain all met up to let off balloons in remembrance of his young life....loads of kids meeting up to share their memories.
I know Sam misses Cain, I know he misses nan. It's the silliest little things that make him think of them, like sausages or superman....
He is a very compassionate boy, he wears his heart on his sleeve....and it's his 13th birthday in a couple of weeks....
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