Woke up at 7.00 am this morning, noticed a glow through the curtains and saw this, so quickly grabbed the camera.  Great start to the day, sadly it deteriorated very quickly to become very cloudy by 8.00 am and now at midday it's raining - for a change!!!

Also a great start with a great QiGong practice this morning.  My last one for a week due to my little holiday.  

For the first time I have a photo of a tree on Joe Tree Day, so although I never knew him his legacy lives on so this is for Joe Tree.
Not a lot else to say today, so that's it from me.  Do take care and stay and safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

PS:  I should also say such very sad news about Dave Myers, one of the Hairy Bikers.  I  love these two the are so down to earth and Dave always struck me as being such a kind gentle soul.  RIP Dave.

PPS:   Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus
to all Welsh Blippers everywhere

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