I was feeling a bit “down” this morning - not like me at all, but it happens, so I just “go with the flow” and it soon passes.  Mr. HCB asked if I would like to go out for coffee, so I agreed - no point in staying in and wallowing in the sadness.  

Bless him, I did feel better after we had had a chat over coffee, but I think with everything that has gone on in our family and then my operation last year and now the prospect of my cataracts being removed, it just got too much.  At least I can document it on here and know that people will think of me when they see my Blip - and often write encouraging comments.  

This is just such a wonderful social media site and I am very grateful for this opportunity - so here is my contribution and genuine “Thank you” on this special day to Joe Tree, who, according to Mr. Google, “...started Blip as a bedroom project, spending a few hours on a rainy Sunday afternoon building a really simple website which let him publish just one photo a day on the internet and write something about it. He set himself two simple rules: he could only upload one picture a day, and it had to be taken on that day.”

I’m sure I am not alone when I say that Blip has been a life-saver to me, especially when things weren’t exactly rosy in my life - but I have now taken a photograph every day for over 11 years, written some words to go with that photograph and published it here - on the day it was taken - and uploaded it to the  site that was bought by all of us - so I thank not only Joe Tree, but every other person who contributed to Blip when we thought it would go under!  As you know, I am passionate about Blip and often tell people and ask them to join and there is still the “free” element if people want to look first before they commit to being a full member of this wonderful community.  

If you want to read more - have a look HERE - and remember BE KIND and if you have been blessed, “Pay it Forward!”

P.S.  You all know I like to have a little fartnarkle with my shots - this was taken on our way home from coffee - a beautiful oak tree in a dell with daffodils springing up all round it and with a community garden nearby, cared for by friends and members of Old Town Residents' Association. I used my Photoscape X app for the tree leaf shape, then my Carbon app for the surround and then back to PhotoCollage for the writing - a bit long-winded, you may think, but I love doing it!  

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