
blooming despite the bizarre weather today!

I got absolutely soaked going to this morning's coffee and chat at church - its 5 minutes walk, but it started hailing just as I got 2 minutes from home and it just poured it down!! (My coat is still wet 5 hours after I got home and I need it later as its youth club tonight :()

After coffee I was glad to walk home in the dry and capture these trees on the way (sorry its a phone blip today) :)

With thanks to Joe Tree who founded Blipfoto on this day nearly 20 years ago.  He had the idea of building a website so people could record their daily photographs with a camera and post it on the web :)

Without Joe, we wouldn't be here today - though now of course we are a 'community' website which is wonderful :)

I often wonder what Joe is doing now?

Happy Weekend!

It will be a nice easy relaxing weekend for me, as I've no particular plans except to keep on my interview preparation for a couple of hours each day :)

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