At the Willow Tree

Twenty years ago today, Joe Tree started this little site named Blipfoto. It grew over the years into the wonderfully diverse, inclusive community we are a part of today. I would like to say thank you very much to him for all that he did in beginning and growing the site that it is such a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of.

I've been a member for almost half of that time. There are many here that are fantastic, excellent, even professional photographers, along with others like me that are just hobby snappers and everyone is equally welcome. All walks of life, all coexisting in peace and harmony. If only it could be bottled. Joe Tree: Thank you!

I was at work today and it was the busiest day ever! Pay day for many, and the weather was bad so no one could face their cold sandwiches, even those who wouldn't normally indulge. Plus one of the other burger vans on a nearby industrial estate was closed, so we picked up their trade too.

The rain was torrential at times, and the wind was blowing across the front where the grill is and cooling it down which didn't help matters.

When home time rolled around it was still hosing down with rain, and I got soaked just taking my apron off and putting my coat on. I was too cold and wet to sit and eat in the car, so I was happy when Brian offered me a lift home.

By the time I'd eaten my chip butty the sun was shining and I'd had a text to say that Boots had my prescription ready for collection. I still needed to get a Blip too and I'd already decided I wanted a tree or trees near water, so like a fool I went outside again, and within five minutes I was being bombarded with hailstones. Fortunately I had my brolly, even if my hands froze holding it. Equally fortunately, it was bright and sunny by the time I got into town.

I went to the far side of the Brayford and took a few shots of the swan islands and the trees on the main, natural one, before crossing the road and going into Boots. Before coming home I finally got round to booking a long overdue eye test at Vision Express.

Then I went home and vegged out in front of the TV - another episode of Vera. I'm really enjoying the series.

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