Joe Tree Day 2024

Normally it's the cacti that draw the crowds to this doorway in Henderson Row. Today, however, it's the turn of this tree, captured to celebrate Joe Tree Day and remind us of the important part that Blipfoto plays in our lives.

I snapped this shot on my way back from the gym. I had an especially nice time in the pool this morning because my friend Rosie was there at the invitation of her daughter Claire, who is a member. We had a lovely chat at the poolside after my pilates class.

This afternoon it was back to the never-ending list of admin tasks. Amongst these I wrote a presentation that I am due to deliver the week after next. I also took a break to watch the last of the three episodes of Sunderland til I die. It's a great series.

Now it is Friday wine time :-)

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (11,041 steps).

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