Hellebore flower

It was lovely to see the sun first thing this morning.  I headed off to the gym for a sprint cycle class, the first for a couple of weeks so I took it a little easy.  As I had forgotten my pilates mat I managed to get home have a shower and return to the gym just as my friend was arriving.  We had a coffee and caught up on news.  I showed her a lot of my Scotland photos taken on the phone.  We then both went to the Pilates class.

When I arrived home I found that my hairdresser had turned up while I was out.  I wasn't aware of the appointment and had meant to check with my neighbours to see what date had been arranged.  I rang back and she managed to fit me in tomorrow.  As she is about to have an operation and will be off work for awhile she is trying to fit all her customers in.  As I sat down treat lunch I realised that I had forgotten to put the yeast in the bread making machine this morning.  So that's three things so hopefully that's it for today.

The weather had deteriorated during the morning and I returned home to hailstones showers.  I did however go out once they had stopped, to pick up a tray of farm eggs and visit a friends house.  She has a number of flowers in bloom including these Hellebore flowers.

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