Snowdrop carpet

We've had another lovely cold and sunny day and I've got all the cafe and Mr Rat's washing done, dried in the sun and even, for those that needed it, ironed!
This morning I had a short run that my body told me it didn't want to do but I made it round the 2 miles. Then, after a shower, I headed off to Camperdown Park for a meet-up with other Health Walk volunteers from different walks and one of the organisers. We had the option of a walk or a free visit to the Wildlife Centre and chose the latter. There were very few people there but nearly all the animals and birds were out enjoying the sunshine, including a baby gibbon. No pics of that but rheas and a brown bear in extras.
We then had lunch and chat and before I returned home I did a short walk to see the snowdrops again before they finish.
Back home I did some more patchwork (it's very wonky but looks akay from a distance) and a bit more to my model.
Since eating I've done nothing much other than catch up with emails, blip etc.

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