Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Full Throttle Jax

Actually, he wasn't as fully invested in the game this afternoon as I'd hoped and I had to really work to get some decent action shots.  I like this one because you can see how intent he is in getting the toy.  He has mostly been snoozing today, which is normal after a full day at daycare.  Add to that a fairly long walk after lunch today ... well, I guess no surprise that he wasn't all that interested in running around the yard.

I have gotten a lot done today including cleaning our two guest bathrooms, making brownies and doing some prep on another dish I plan to make tomorrow when my besties are here.  Back to the brownies for a moment.  I bought a box mix for dark chocolate brownies (can't go wrong with that) and then I did some reading on some hacks to make them even better.  So, I added a teaspoon each of cinnamon and chili powder and substituted the 3 tablespoons of water with same of expresso (freshly brewed in our Nespresso machine).  Just before sliding it in the oven, I added some sea salt and bittersweet chocolate chips. Wow - the most delicious brownies ever!  The expresso and chili seem to add a great depth of flavor that will be hard for anyone to identify while the cinnamon was just the right amount for a subtle flavor.  It will be topped with some coffee ice cream from a local farm.  

Another bright sunny day here, although somewhat chilly.  Undaunted by winter, my miniature irises in the garden are bursting into bloom now which is doing a lot to lift my spirits.  Spring is coming...  Meanwhile, my parents were getting snow showers in Oregon today.  

Counting down to SA.  


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