Joe Tree Day

Today is a day dedicated to blips founder  Joe Tree  who started this great site which started with  him posting a photo a day ad was then joined by a hand full of others and then gradually the site  got stronger and stronger . It is now an amazing world wide community .
In his honour  1 day a year is chosen to flood the site with tree shots to acknowledge him and this amazing site.

So after a very wet day at times  when I left work I took advantage of the break in the rain and hail and get a blip shot in the last bit of light .  My tree shot is actually a reflection of a tree in a very large puddle , I have actually rotated the shot by 180 deg to make the tree look the right way up .
This evening it was super league time and Wigan's home game against Huddersfield  which saw Wigan win 30 - 16 

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