Before leaving the house this afternoon I went online to try and get a ticket for the England game that's being played at St James Park in June.  I had priority booking so I was able to go online today at 12 noon before general booking opens on 8th March.  I still had to wait in a queue for half an hour though.  And then when I finally got on to the booking site I wasn't able to choose an area of the ground to sit in or a particular seat..  So I could have ended up really high - and that wouldn't do for me.  And the ticket price was £75.  So I decided not to bother.  I will just watch it on TV instead.

Then I walked down to the village and got a bus at 1.30pm to go to Neil's.  He and Luna met me at the bus station.  Luna greeted me very enthusiastically.  Back to the house where Neil and I had a good catch up. He wasn't working today.  We did intend going out for something to eat but the rain started lashing down so we thought better of it.  It was still raining when Neil walked me back to the bus station.  Luna had to wear her raincoat... and she isn't keen on wearing her raincoat.

I got a bus to the Metrocentre and had a mooch round - out of the rain.

Took my blip shot in The Metrocentre.  A lovely tree for Joe Tree Day.  Hopefully Joe won't mind that its not a real tree.  Ive added an Extra of my original choice of tree which is near Neil's house   ... plus Neil and Luna  -  and another shot of Luna at home.

Today blippers post a tree in honour of Joe Tree the founder of blipfoto.  Ive been blipping since June 2011 and its become an important part of my life.  I have made so many lovely blip friends and have been very lucky to have met quite a lot of them in person.  So thanks Joe - and thanks to the present team for keeping the site running so smoothly. And thanks to each and every blipper for " being excellent "

Steps today - 8,822

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