Pine warblers

The pine warblers continue to visit on a daily basis. Some mornings I only see one, most days I see two, and sometimes there are 3 of them. At least one northern flicker continues to visit on a daily basis too. The chickadees, goldfinches and blue jays have been very quiet for the past week. Of course I don't know who visits when I am at work.

Silly me for thinking I would have most of March off work. Or silly me for accepting another job offer.

A woman walked up to me while I was working at one of the drug stores today. At first I thought she meant she works for Kim Chi, the brand I was working on. She was asking me if I would be willing to work on other relines. She is the owner of the drug store I was in, and wanted to hire me to come in and do relines. I will still be an independent contractor and will have to send her an invoice for the hours I work. I told her that I am only willing to work 2 days a week, and that is fine with her. Justin was setting up a display for another cosmetic brand, she went over and talked to him too and hired him as well. I think that store may be having problems getting their relines done by their own staff. The ones that I saw working there today were all young, 25 and younger, maybe 1 or 2 between 25 - 30.

Before I left today, another CI rep came in to set up her display. She is a university student and takes the bus, so her jobs have all been based in Halifax. Today was the first time I worked with her. We were chatting, and I told her that I have a landscaping business. She loves plants and will be looking for a summer job. I told her to call me later in March. Plus when I was talking to Justin today and said something about having a landscaping business, he might be interested in a job too.

For a store that didn't answer their phone earlier in the week, things went really well in there today.

A cold, sunny and windy day today. So I would say March came in like a lion. The temperatures are supposed to be back above freezing tomorrow. A new photography friend and I are headed to the Lunenburg/Mahone Bay area for a few hours.

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