Tiny Sticker

Back and no time to acclimatise; heating on. And a day of minky entertaining starting off at joy tots, making woodland scenes. That didn’t last long enough, but luckily she wanted to go along to the library again, where we drew some more and read. Well, I read. To her. Back for prawny and cheese pasta omelette. My new favourite. 
And in the afternoon we all stepped out to the beach. All in all a fine day.
Well, it was to that point. I’d then a game of football to attend. Twenty one points ahead of the Hibees so surely we could put on a show. The gulf in class would clearly be evident. But as we all know, football’s football. It’s eleven against eleven on the night. Errrr umm that sort of stuff. In udder wurdz, we wuz honking. Gash. Dugshit. A point thanks to a dodgy penalty, which, if I was a Hibs fan, I’d be raging about. The only plus point of the night then. Rage on. 

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