Silly Saturday

I went for a walk this morning, on a hunt for my Silly Saturday blip. I liked this sign above someone's garage: I'm glad Grumpy didn't rush out and tell me off for taking my photo! On some days I'm sure my Editor thinks I should have a similar sign on our garage ;-))

If you're new to this, on the first Saturday of every month we like to have a hosted Silly Saturday challenge in memory of Admirer who started off the challenge. Many thanks to Laurie54 for hosting Silly Saturday this time - please see if you can blip something silly as I'm sure Laurie would like to have a good chuckle. ApolloFly has kindly offered to host in April, but I don't have any volunteers yet for the months after that. If you'd like to take a turn please let me know - it's really fun!

Today's tags are SilSMar2024 or SilS387.

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